Harness the Power of Ancient Shamanic Techniques
Utilize the Science of Altered States of Consciousness to Meditate, Visualize, and Manifest
Shamanic Practices Span the World
Shamanic practices around the world all have one thing in common - they utilize an altered state of consciousness. True shamans work to improve the health of an individual, the health of society, and their own health.
In this program, you will explore the history and science of core shamanism and practice traditional journeys. You will then go beyond shamanism by utilizing the drum and its rhythms to enhance your relationship with yourself and the world through energy work, visualizations, and more. Each of the drum-driven meditations will help you achieve specific brainwave states, the very heart of altered states of consciousness, where you will successfully attend to your energetic body.
Note: Considerable skill and experience is needed to act as a shamanic practitioner; this course does not teach techniques to help you facilitate others' shamanic and energetic experiences.
All Shamanic Practices Comprise
Three Core Elements
This program introduces you to core shamanism - the three essential techniques used around the world among disparate cultures.
Altered State of Consciousness
Shamanic practitioners use techniques to alter their consciousness to open to alternate realities.
Focused Visualization
Harnessing mental imagery to intuit and influence the world is a skill every shamanic practitioner employs.
Ceremonial Intent
Ceremonial intent allows shamanic practitioners to create a sacred space that facilitates a deeper experience.
Explore Core Shamanism
This program begins with an introduction to core shamanism. Core shamanism consists of three components: altered consciousness, visualization, and ceremonial intent. To facilitate the altered state--called the shamanic state of consciousness (SSC)--I use the drum. Practitioners around the world also use chemicals to achieve SSC, but I believe the drum and its rhythms provide more control over the latter two components of visualization and ceremony.
You will embark on traditional shamanic vision-quests--called journeys--to develop and clarify your inner vision. You will learn to set the space for your journeys through ceremony and intent. You will explore how to properly interpret your journeys so you can apply your knowledge to your life in a positive way.
Go Beyond Core Shamanism
This course then goes beyond the confines of traditional core shamanism. I will expand on core shamanic techniques with variations on rhythm, tempo, and visualization to harness the power of shamanic ideas through meditation, creativity, intuition, problem-solving, and manifesting, among others. The drum-driven meditations will help you access specific brainwave states that will facilitate your work.
I will explain the science supporting these techniques and examine the following concepts:
When I first explored core shamanism, I was a miserable failure. I couldn’t sit still for very long (I have ADHD, in case you didn’t know). My visualizations made no sense and I struggled with how this technique related to my religious upbringing (conservative Christianity).
It wasn’t until I learned the science behind the core shamanism that I was able to embrace the power of shamanic techniques. By understanding the neurological basis for shamanism, I discovered how to utilize rhythm to help my brain achieve the shamanic state of consciousness (SSC). I also developed the skills to “see” in my visualizations and came to terms with the fact that my religious upbringing didn't have a connection with what I could achieve by exploring these techniques.
Harness the Power of Shamanic Techniques in Your Life
In Beyond Shamanism, I combine age-old techniques with modern technologies that require minimal effort on your part (you won’t have to learn to play a drum). You will experience auditory driving, entrainment and the shifting of brainwave states -- each of which will profoundly impact your ability to meditate, visualize, and create.
You will discover that age-old shamanic techniques can counteract many of the problems we face with technology, social media, and sensory overwhelm in today’s world. By attaining the ability to direct altered states of consciousness and harness your mental focus, you will employ intentional “dreaming” and gain a deeper sense of self and mental mastery.
If you are a practitioner of meditation or affirmations (law of attraction, perhaps?) the tools you will discover in this program will take your practices to new levels of possibility.
About the Program Creator
Jeff Strong is the creator of Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention™ (REI) and the Director and CEO of the Strong Institute, a research center and provider of evidence-based custom auditory brain stimulation programs. He is also the co-founder of Brain Shift Radio, a streaming music site containing personalized music to enhance brain function.
Jeff is a percussionist, composer, recording engineer, researcher, clinician, and a sought-after expert on the therapeutic use of rhythm. He is the best-selling author of eight books, including AD/HD For Dummies and Different Drummer: One Man’s Music and Its Impact on ADD, Anxiety, and Autism.
The Beyond Shamanism Course Consists of 8 Modules
Beyond Shamanism takes the core concepts of an altered state of consciousness, focused visualization, and ceremonial intent and expands them to help you optimize your life. We can all harness the power of shamanic experience and techniques to achieve higher levels of well-being and success.
Module 1. Core Shamanism: Exploring Shamanism Around the World
Shamanic techniques have existed for tens of thousands of years among disparate cultures around the world. These practices developed across the globe, independently and with such similarity to suggest that the core concepts are universal to all humans. Videos in this module include:
Module 2. Core Shamanism: Examining the Shamanic State of Consciousness
Shamanic practices around the world are the same because they employ techniques that are universally effective. Videos in this module include:
Module 3. Core Shamanism: Exploring the Power of Visualization
Mental imagery may teach you how you think and feel, but it can also transcend your own mind and influence the world around you. Videos in this module include:
Module 4. Core Shamanism: Harnessing the Power of Ceremony
The third core component in all shamanic practices is ceremonial intent - creating a sacred space for journeys. Videos in this module include:
Module 5. Beyond Shamanism: Exploring Alternate Rhythms
The traditional shamanic percussion rhythm is highly repetitive. What happens when you vary this rhythm? Videos in this module include:
Module 6. Beyond Shamanism: Examining Variation of Tempos
The traditional shamanic percussion rhythm is played at about 4 beats-per-second. What happens when you speed up this rhythm? Videos in this module include:
Module 7. Beyond Shamanism: Enhancing Meditation and Manifestation
Shamanic techniques are powerful additions to your manifestation, visualization, affirmation, and meditation practices. This session lets you feel this firsthand. Videos in this module include:
Module 8. Beyond Shamanism: Modern Therapeutic Approaches Using Shamanic Techniques
Shamanic techniques are finding their way into contemporary therapeutic approaches. This module shows you a few ways to utilize shamanic techniques for your emotional health. Videos in this module include:
Register Now and Receive These Amazing Bonuses
Order today and receive these special bonuses that provide additional tools and spiritual connections to help you reach deeper levels of healing.
Bonus 1: Brain Stim Audio Mixes ($97 Value)
Receive the most popular mixes from our streaming music site, Brain Shift Radio, to stimulate and balance your energy system.
Bonus 2: Different Drummer Book ($10 Value)
A digital version of my memoir exploring drumming traditions and the development of my drumming therapy, Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention (REI).

Begin the Beyond Shamanism Course Today
The Beyond Shamanism Course Consists of 8 Core Modules.
Beyond Shamanism takes the core concepts of altered states of consciousness, focused visualization, and ceremonial intent and expands them to help you optimize your life. We can all harness the power of shamanic experience and techniques to achieve higher levels of well-being and success.
Also receive powerful bonuses to deepen your experience.
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