The Drum Healing Course is designed to offer an experiential, practical and esoteric understanding of rhythm and its healing benefits. You will learn to play the rhythms. You will feel the impact of rhythm in your body and your psyche. And driven by the drum, you will meditate without effort.
The program is designed to meet you at your drumming skill level.
- If you are an absolute beginner (or don’t even know if you want to really learn), this program offers from-the-ground-up instruction on technique.
- If you are an intermediate player, you will find detailed instructions and inspiration to move your drumming to the next level.
- If you are an expert player, you will find a ton of rhythms and techniques that will challenge and inspire you.
The Drum Healing Course is Presented in a 3-Tiered Structure
The Drum Healing Course will help you to gain much more than you would in a live setting. Aside from the extra time to practice and integrate, this weekly format allows me to provide you with a 3-tiered structure. Each week you will receive:
- Training. Explore the history, science and my experiences from over 30 years exploring drum healing.
- Technique. Learn rhythms to help you progressively develop your drum healing skills.
- Meditation. Deepen your personal connection with drumming meditations using the rhythms presented in the module.