
Clear Brain Fog with Complex Drumming

In this video, I play complex, variable rhythms between 8 and 8.5 beats per second to stimulate neurological activity and clear brain fog.

Watch the video on YouTube here or click the image below to watch from this window.

Learn how to use techniques like these in my Drum Healing course at

Learn more about my auditory brain stimulation programs at

Listen to personalized music for your brain at

Enjoy a 20 Minute Shamanic Journey with Callback

In this video, I play a 20″ deerskin frame drum with a soft beater at 3.5 beats per second for 20 minutes to facilitate a traditional shamanic journey.

Watch the video here

Learn how to use techniques like these in my Beyond Shamanism course at

Learn more about my auditory brain stimulation programs at

Listen to personalized music for your brain at

Improve Your Cognition: Drumming to Induce Alpha Entrainment and Gamma Stimulation

In this video, I play my Gonga drum at around 8 beats per second to entrain your brain to low alpha. I use complex, unpredictable rhythms to induce gamma brainwave activity. This combination is great for improved cognition. This track will provide episodic support.

Learn how to use techniques like these in my Drum Healing course at

Learn more about my auditory brain stimulation programs at

Listen to personalized music for your brain at

Calm Your Proprioceptive System

In this video, I play rhythms at 7.8 beats per second to calm your sensory system, with a focus on proprioception (kinesthesia), to help you better process where you are in space.

Learn how to use techniques like these in my Drum Healing course at

Learn more about my auditory brain stimulation programs at

Listen to personalized music for your brain at

Jeff Strong Drums for Focus

In this video, I play rhythms at about 9 beats per second to focus your brain.

Learn how to use techniques like these in my Drum Healing course at

Learn more about my auditory brain stimulation programs at

Listen to personalized music for your brain at

Jeff Strong Drums to Lift Your Mood

In this video, I play (mostly) triplet-based rhythms at 7 beats per second to lift your mood.

Learn how to use techniques like these in my Drum Healing course at

Learn more about my auditory brain stimulation programs at

Listen to personalized music for your brain at

Jeff Strong Drums for Calm, just drumming

In this video, I play my gonga drum for 20 minutes at about 8 beats per second to calm your brain into the alpha state of consciousness (one take, no edits).

Learn how to use techniques like these in my Drum Healing course at

Learn more about my auditory brain stimulation programs at

LExplore curated playlists and personalized music for your brain at

Lift Your Mood With This Triplet Rhythm Drumming Improvisation

In this video, I play an improvisation on triplet rhythms at 8 beats per second to lift your mood. No talking, just drumming.

Learn how to use techniques like these in my Drum Healing course at

Learn more about my auditory brain stimulation programs at

Listen to personalized music for your brain at

Focus Your Brain with Syncopated Rhythms

In this video, I share a technique using syncopated rhythms you can use to improve your focus based on a technique I discovered when I was in music school. I play an example of this technique so you can see if it works for you.

Click here to download a PDF file with rhythms you can play yourself:

Link to Ted Reed’s syncopation book:

Learn more about my auditory brain stimulation programs at

Learn how to use techniques like these in my Drum Healing course at

Listen to personalized music for your brain at

Steady or Variable Tempo for Focus

In this video, I play complex rhythms for focus at a steady 9 beats-per-second tempo and a variable tempo between 9 and 10 beats-per-second. Play the rhythms quietly in the background as you do some focused work and discover which approach you prefer. If you want to explore these rhythms further, play the audio below the video or sign up for a free trial at

Focusing Rhythms Track #1 – steady tempo
BSR Revving Up Focus – variable tempo

Learn more about my auditory brain stimulation programs at

Learn how to use techniques like these in my Drum Healing course at

Listen to personalized music for your brain at