Brainwave Entrainment

Jeff Strong Talks About Drumming Tempos as They Relate to Brainwave States

In this video, I talk about the relationship between drumming tempos and brainwave states. I share a simple formula to help you choose the exact brain state to achieve your goals.

Download the PDF on brainwave states and drumming tempos here

Learn more about the Soundbrenner Pulse metronome I use in this video

Learn more about drum healing at:

Listen to personalized music for your brain at

Jeff Strong on Drumming and the Brain: The importance of tempo and variability

In this video I talk about how the brain responds to rhythm at different tempos. At very slow tempos you need a constant pattern, whereas at faster tempos you need variability. To illustrate this, I show you how I adjust my rhythms across the continuum of tempos used for drumming.

Learn more at:
Listen to personalized music for your brain at

Jeff Strong Shows You How to Boost Your Brain with Fast, Complex Drumming Rhythms

Activating the brain for memory and cognitive enhancement can be done two ways:

  1. Play pleasingly variable patterns with an unpredictable, yet musical quality at 8 beats per second. This has an immediate activating effect and, coupled with progressively more complex patterns over a series of recordings, can provide long-term cognitive enhancements. This is the approach we use for the REI Custom Programs.
  2. Play various tempos all within the alpha range of 8-12 beats per second (bps). Musically, 8-12 bps is 120-180 beats per minute when playing 16th notes and one beat of the metronome is a 1/4 note. This means that you are playing 4 drumming beats for each click of the metronome. This approach is the key to the Brain Boost category on

I end this video with a cognitive enhancement drumming session. Let it play quietly in the background and see how mentally clear you feel afterward.

Listen to personalized music for your brain at

Learn to play the drums for healing at

Explore the REI Custom Program at:

Optimize Your Day with the Right Music

Music is an important part of our lives.

What if we choose the music we listen to more intentionally, with specific goals in mind? Instead of choosing music out of habit or as background filler, music can be played strategically to enhance brain function.

In this video I describe how I choose music throughout the day to support the activities I do. For example, slow, repetitive patterns enhance my meditations; novel, complex music focuses my mind; alpha tempos with mild variability calm me; and sparse, slowly evolving tones empty my mind and prepare me for sleep.

Find out how you can optimize your day by choosing the best music for you.

Listen to personalized music for your brain at